Post summer depression is an annual thing for sure. For most of us it means going back to rat race and ever darkening evenings. To lighten that thought, we have brought you some light colored black tees.
We have now first time ever teamed up with a local artist Oliver Webb who has designed the graphics to the "RINGO" long sleeve shirt. Some of you may recognize him from The Feral Young. On top of their music we have admired Oliver's work for a long time, especially the music videos as well as his band tee graphics. We asked Oliver to tell us about his background and views when it comes to art and creating. So here it is in his own words:
"Hello world, it's me. Your infernal lord Count Deathgrimsaturnalia or as my friends like to call me, Oliver. And I make weird art.
I’ve been making art for years but I don't like to make too much of a fuss about it. Low key is how I like things to be. One of my biggest inspirations comes from music and the different aesthetics it carries within it, whether it be punk, rock or black metal. That’s probably why I ended up making music and playing in bands. Playing in bands also molded my views on creating art as you work as a sort of team creating and adding layers to compositions. Which is why collaborating with other people has become easier for me and is a lot of fun. Like i said earlier my main source of inspiration is from music. The fact that (pop) music has developed its own very strong visual landscape or language interests me and how in modern times we are seeing more people break these landscapes apart and rebuild them around new concepts. combining say the visual world of black metal with rap and hip hop. It's something I like exploring and thinking of when I'm creating something. I could go on about this subject but maybe another time.
So how did I end up making art? That’s anyone's guess, I just fell into it. Making things is something I love doing and I love experimenting with different mediums whether it be painting, illustrating, animating or filming. We all have this endless pool of options to work from so it’s great fun getting asked to make something for someone and figuring out what tools would work in creating that vision for them. It makes me happy seeing my work out in the wild and seeing how it reflects out into the world around it.
When I was asked to design a print for Black Spot Merch. I instantly had about a hundred different ideas. As I know the stuff I make goes well with their aesthetic. I designed three prints for Black Spot Merch, all with their own unique thing going on but kept my cornerstone of incorporating the music into each design. The one that made the cut was a look back into rock history with elements taken from a certain period of time in music. I hope most people will dig it, though you can’t please everyone."
-Oliver Webb

Our newest collection entitled "POST SUMMER DEPRESSION" is now availble online. This collection is in Black Spot Merch. standard super limited release as we dislike mass production and over saturated products.. Thats why we make these limited drops just for you!